Fort Service Learning Magnet Academy - FRT
Service Learning
This magnet program provides transportation!
Fort Middle School is a Service-Learning Magnet Academy. Service-learning is a form of academia that combines meaningful hands-on community service with the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in order to give your child an enriched, interactive, well-rounded learning experience. By engaging in service-learning projects throughout the course of their time at Fort Middle School, it is our goal to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of students in a safe, yet challenging environment. Such experiences provide the student with the opportunity to connect the dots between academic standards and life skills, in addition to exposing them to the realm of social action and community-based service, all in an effort to assist them in becoming confident, disciplined and productive members of society.
Magnet Open House In-Person: Monday, November 13, 2023 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Testing Information: Students will complete a Math Assessment and an ELA Reading and Writing Assessment. Bring your Chromebook.
Students must submit a teacher recommendation from the current two current teacher. If student has only 1 teacher for the school year, that one recommendation will suffice.
Link to Sign up for Testing
Program Contact Form
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Magnet Entrance Exam Dates
Magnet Entrance Test
Magnet Entrance Test
Magnet Entrance Test
Magnet Entrance Test
Magnet Entrance Test